Wednesday, May 22, 2019

3A- My Entrepreneurship Story


     My name is Diego Parra, born in Caracas, Venezuela, and I am a student taking ENT3003. My reason for taking this class is mainly to complete my electives in order to fulfill the requirements needed for my major (Sport Management). From this class, I hope to get a deeper understanding of HOW to create a business and what are the necessary and legal steps that are required in order to create a profitable business.

     I have tried entrepreneurship a couple of times before. Back when I lived in Gainesville, a cool business idea would pop into my head every now and then, which I would tell my friends and then we would investigate ways that we could potentially turn the idea into a business. My friend who initially told me he was interested in this project and I would attend the Big Idea Competition. However, after some weeks of trying to come up with things and realizing that it was going to require a lot more work than expected, we both realized that entrepreneurship really was not our passion and then we discontinued the project.

      Another time that I was involved in entrepreneurship was when I was hired as one of the first employees of a new business. I will not name the company but it was a collegiate-athlete recruiting platform. In summary, clients (typically high school students) would pay for our service and we would do the best we can in order to secure that athlete a college scholarship in athletics. In this experience I learned how little people trust new businesses and how hard it is to get clients once you start.


  1. Hi Diego!
    I am impressed with your outlook on entrepreneurship because it sounds like you really gave yourself the chance to experience it first hand. Working off of what you said, it does seem like many clients like to know that a business has been trusted with years of experience as a selling point for many services. Maybe this class will give you the skills to pursue those projects that you put on the back burner.

  2. Hey Diego,
    I noticed you said that you used to live in Gainesville; where do you live now? The work you did before sounds a little sketchy haha! I haven't worked in an atmosphere of a business starting its way up but I have worked in established companies such as Macys and the UAA. Neither have really provided me with the tools and guidance to pursue my own business.

  3. Diego,

    The job retaining to high school athletes sounds like a good business. The fact that you got to be one of the first means you got to write the script a little to say the least. There was no rule book to follow you did it as you went. That is itself being an entrepreneur. Very cool and exciting.

  4. Hey Diego,
    You have a pretty cool background. Like most of us, you are taking this class to fulfill your requirements, and i respect you being frank and stating it. Personally, I wish I would have been in touch with you when I was in high school. I was a football player who couldn't stay away from injuries and I wanted nothing more than to play in college. I didn't even know such businesses existed or even were legal. How much differently that could have changed my life and many others like me if we knew of your business.
