Monday, April 4, 2016

So Many Changes...

     If there is one thing that this production process has taught me, is the fact that not because things do not go as planned out, does not mean things did not go well.
     As mentioned in this blog, my film opening would consists of three characters (girlfriend, boyfriend, mother) and would have dialogue throughout the whole opening, right? Wrong. I started filming what I had planned, and did not like a single thing about it. I did not like the dialogue, I did not like how so many questions were answered within the first two minutes of the film.
     I decided to completely alter what my film opening would have been into, what I feel like, is a much better film opening because it better fits for my plot and target audience as well as maintain the fundamental techniques that I had initially. My new film opening will consist of no dialogue, music playing in the background, and various shots of the girlfriend preparing (packing) to leave to college. Also, the film opening will NOT focus on the boyfriend. This is done to make the viewer wonder who this person that the girl is thinking about is, rather than tell the viewer right away and answer many questions right away. Aspects on characterization will also be established as the camera shots will point to various items that have taken a role in the girl's relationship in which trigger memories within the girl's mind, even though the viewer does not fully understand why, yet.
     This film opening will not only make the film more interesting, since it creates so many questions that will later be answered within the film, but it will also remove the "cheesy" and awkward aspects of the film opening that were there from the start.
     Figuring this out has made me so relieved since I finally like what I am doing and feel like I am actually producing a good film. I am excited to reach a final product and know what you guys think(:

¨Purple Planet Royalty Free Music.¨Purple Planet Royalty Free Music. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2016.


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