Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Script- Rough Draft

In order to plan ahead and save a lot of time, I decided to make a rough draft of what the script would be:

*Alicia is looking at picture, places it on top of her luggage*
*Alex walks in*
Alex: "Hey, sorry I'm late I had to drop off my sister at her friend's. How are you?"
Alicia: "Good and you"
*Alex sits down next to her *
Alex: "Excited for today huh?"
Alicia: "Kinda... I guess"
Alex: "Yeah, well I see you've packed that sweater that I gave you back on our one years"
Alicia: "Duh!! How could I not?! It's my favorite and it would go with a lot of my clothes"
Alex: "Haha yeah I guess. The red does look amazing on you, babe."
Alicia: "Jaja thanks."
*momentary silence*
Alex: "So did you find out if getting into the honors college gets you a better dorm?"
Alicia: "Yeah I did... And I don't. I just get the normal dorm like the rest of the incoming freshman class"
Alex: "Oh well at least you'll make greater bonds with all the other freshman"
Alicia: "Yeah I guess that's a good thing"
*momentary silence*
Alex: "You're going to do great, and I am incredibly proud of what you have accomplished, but gosh, I'm really going to miss you."
Alicia: "Ugh stop I've been trying to hold my tears in."
Alex: "Me too, but you know what? I'll still be here, and you could just call me or FaceTime me whenever you want."
*lean in to kiss (almost)*
*mom walks in*
Mother: "Alicia they're here!"
Alicia: "What? Already?!"
Mother: "Yes it's already 2 in the afternoon! Hurry up I don't wanna keep them waiting"
Alex: "Let's go"
*Finish packing, get up and go*

Mother: "You triple checked every thing? Toothbrush? Shampoo? Winter clothes?"
Alicia: "Yes mom don't worry I got it all."
Mother: "Alex! Hey! Didn't see you come in"
Alex: "yeah I know, sorry about that, I knew I was late so I wanted to get to Alicia as soon as possible."
Mother: "No worries, at least you made it. You only have one bag?!"
Alicia: "yes mom I don't have that many clothes"
Mother: "well it doesn't seem like a lot for someone who is moving out entirely."
Alicia: "I'll just buy it over there if I forgot anything."
Mother: "Alright just... Give me a hug."
*Hug passionately*
Mother: "I'm so proud of you. You've grown up into such a great person, you're going to do great."
Alicia: "I love you mom"
Mother: "I love you more. Okay it's time to go."
*Alex and Alicia quickly stare into each other, hug tightly*
Alex: "Be good okay? Have fun. I'm going to miss you."
Alicia: "I love you, and I'll miss you so much."
Alex: "See you later" *smiles*
Alicia: "See you soon" *walks out of door*

NOTE: This is only a rough draft; therefore, some of the things (including character names) will change in order to fit in better dialogue and meet the time limit.


  1. Hi Diego!
    I read through your blog and I have to say I really like your idea. You’re focus on trying to get as much information across to the audience without words is great. The introductory idea you mentioned about he over-the-shoulder shot of the pictures on the wall would be a good idea. Maybe in the opening shots of your film you could have different shots of things that have meaning to their relationship. For example, a shot of a bracelet on a desk and then a hand grabs it and puts it on or maybe a shot of an old Valentines Day card. That could be another way to establish their relationship to your audience through quick shots in the beginning.
    I noticed in one of your blogs you were concerned about finding a couple and getting the pictures necessary. However, you don’t need to find an actual couple to be in your film opening, you just need two actors. As for the pictures, you can just combine the photos of the two people, use photoshop, or have other people in the picture. People don’t always look the same as they did when they were younger and you aren’t focusing on the individual pictures in the shot anyway.

  2. I really like the set up of your blogs and all your ideas, you clearly have put in a lot of work into this project and it is showing. Im sure your final product will show it too. I like that your blog is very clean and easy to read. I read over your rough draft script and I really like the writing and can visualize the scene in my head. Good luck the rest of the way i'm sure it's going to come out just how you want it!
