Friday, July 26, 2019

28A - Your Exit Stategy

     If I were to make the decision right now, assuming my company grows and becomes successful, I think I would want to sell my company due to the fact that entrepreneurship has never really been a  passion of mine, and I would want to focus my career within the professional soccer industry. However, I am unsure how I would feel if I were to carry out this project and will need to be in the same shoes in order to accurately predict what I would do. I might find it super-fun and want to do it for the rest of my life. I could also pass it down to my family in order to have a great asset that can be expanded and I would never have to worry about my family financially speaking.

     This exit strategy has influenced my other decisions I have made because I have not really gone all in. I am basically building this idea for this class but have no real intention of ever making something out of it. That is, because, I am not passionate for entrepreneurship and would like to focus my thoughts elsewhere.


  1. Hello Diego,

    I like how you are honest about your interests and not really pursuing the business you worked on for this class. Even though you don’t want to pursue the entrepreneur route, you worked very hard on your business plan and showed your strengths. I still think that there is a great opportunity with the business. I hope that you become successful in the professional soccer industry.

  2. It's important to know what you want or don't want so it's cool that you know that you don't want to pursue this venture any further. Selling a company can also be really lucrative so you wouldn't be badly off if you chose this route. Soccer is a really cool passion to have. Maybe in the future you'll find some entrepreneurship opportunities within that market instead and it will be a more interesting venture than the one you tried this time around

  3. Nice post, Diego. We both share the same exit strategy and for similar reasons. Although a successful start up would be nice for the short term, I don't think we want to make it our primary business and devote everything towards it. I think many of us share your view on not going all in because we have plenty of things to do after we finish this course.

  4. Hey Diego,
    Like you I haven't really had much of a passion for entrepreneurship. I think it takes a lot of brain power and creativity to keep a brand, company or product to stay relevant, to evolve with the times (Since everything is constantly changing and modernizing) and finally to keep it at an affordable and profitable point. Like you I wouldnt keep my business.
